Call for Papers – “Advanced TechMining: Measurement, Emergence & Indicators” Special Issue – Technological Forecasting and Social Change
While this issue is developed in collaboration with the Global TechMining Conference (GTM) 2019 held in Atlanta, GA 17 October 2019, papers from outside the conference are welcome.
Important Dates:
- Submission dates: October 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (the Elsevier submission portal will open on October 1, 2019)
- Final Revisions Due (including revisions in response to any second reviews): December 31, 2020
- Estimated Date of Publication: February 2021
Advanced TechMining integrates bibliometrics, text analyses, and advanced information technologies (e.g., deep learning, network analytics, topic modeling), of textual data—in particular that pertaining to Science, Technology & Innovation (ST&I)—to generate useful intelligence for all facets of technology management and science policy.
Examples of advanced TechMining include development of measures and indicators to track technological evolution, identify emergence (of technologies and inception of notable innovations), identify and predict scientific/technological breakthroughs, and investigate citation/collaboration behaviors in a given technological area or a discipline.
The editors of this special issue are interested in furthering critical aspects of advanced TechMining:
- Maximizing the potential of traditional and novel text data (i.e. tapping vital traits while minding limitations and matching analytical aims)
- Advancing and/or integrating methods, for
- algorithms for identification of emergence (of technologies and inception of notable innovations)
- combining topical and other empirical measures to predict near-future R&D emphases
- means to combine quantitative and qualitative approaches in practical case applications
- discovering higher-level properties of (complex) social networks to study research communities
- Innovative analyses & translation to useful intelligence (e.g. case studies that offer testable projections (specific, explicit) to enable future revisiting to validate methods).
Paper Submission
Full papers are due March 1, 2020, via the Technological Forecasting and Social Change submission system. All papers must be submitted in the Special Issue category. The system will be open for submissions to the Special Issue from
October 31, 2019 – June 30, 2020.
Guest Editors
Yi Zhang (University of Technology Sydney, Australia),
Denise Chiavetta (Search Technology Inc., USA), Ying Huang (Wuhan University, China)
Alan Porter (Georgia Institute of Technology, the US),